We’ll take a look at the likes of Starbucks, Five Guys, Burger King, Wendy’s and even McDonald’s, featuring on the go drinks that contain more calories than a Big Mac. Some might think that it’s a healthy format but don’t be fooled, in lots of cases that isn’t true. For that reason, drinks continue to trend. In a society that’s all about the go-go-go mentality, sipping on a beverage has become an easier alternative. In some cases, that drink might be so hefty that you can combine the calories of a Big Mac and a small fry! We’ll take a look at drinks from around the fast food world that surpass the 563 calories of a Big Mac. Even at McDonald’s there are lots of menu items that contain more calories, even certain drinks! There’s no denying the heaviness of the burger but in reality, it is far from the most fattening menu item. What might steer some folks away from the Big Mac is the calories that it contains. Thanks to its “special sauce,” the burger remains sought after to this day. A year later, it became a nationwide burger. In 1967, the Big Mac officially made its debut out in the Pittsburgh area.